BusinessBatein – Speaker Series Week 2

Theme : Work Life Balance

Key Benefits :-

While being ambitious is good and we all have a journey to fulfill our dream but sometimes in our rush to make our dreams come true we forget why do we need those dreams to come true. And Imbalance schedule of only work has its own side -effect. Disease, Stress, Emotional dissatisfaction and improper focus on your goals.

Leading to have more of balance can help you reach the goal faster and quicker than you really imagined.

Female-office-worker:Speaker : Dr Sadaf Ulde

Brief Profile :

Homeopathic Consultant

Psychotherapist, Holistic Healer


Date : Tues, 5th Mar, 2019

Fees : EE

Registration Compulsory

Limited Seats



Lion Amir Virani @ 9819784355

CA Hemant Mehta @ 97022 67444

Atul Puri@  98991 16054

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#business #speaker #series #work #life #balance #benefits #ambitious #good #Disease #Stress, #Emotional #dissatisfaction #improper #focus #goals#Homeopathic #Consultant #Professionals


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